Enamoured as I am of the ISS, I decided to buy some books written by astronauts. As a matter of fact, Santa was kind with me last Christmas and gifted me with two more.
Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake is the first non-fiction book I read in a while and if you like space like I do you certainly don’t want to miss this one. It’s structured as an ongoing interview where Major Peake replies to the most common doubts people have about space, microgravity, training, and so much more.
Many of us have always dreamt to travel to space and he claims that everybody could do it, but it takes dedication and despite that one has to be lucky to be chosen for a space program. Perhaps, in a far future, it’ll be easier, especially with the number of missions increasing in time—the lunar base, Mars exploration and who knows what else? As better technology become available, new discoveries may take mankind further and further into space. After all, when the Wright brothers invented, built, and flew the first motors-operate airplane at the beginning of the twentieth century, no one believed we would go to the moon. But we did, and for years we have been having people constantly living in space. The limits are in our minds.