Christmas is getting closer, and with it, the end of 2021. I usually feel blue around this time, and what's the best way to feel better? Reading a book, of course.
With the last book of The Expanse out, I don't need to lie about what I'm reading now. I preordered it at Kobo months back. You'll read my review soonish. Possibly in my next email.
And now let's get started with the deals of this week.
Take the job, don't ask questions. It seemed like a good motto.
When someone says they have a job for you, you don’t get picky. Jackson “Jax” Caruso is a war orphan. His parents died when he was young. They were on the losing side of a civil war. He does what he can to survive, taking the jobs that come and not asking too many questions. He has a ship, and a crew of droids to help get him by.
Kelso Station, one of the few remaining independent space stations left in what used to be the Independent Systems Alliance, now it’s called the Grand Human Empire, is home. The job sounds straightforward. More importantly, it pays well. The only problem is that it’s bigger than he can do on his own. He’s going to need help. There’s nothing worse than doing the job and finding out that you were played.
Now they have to make things right while avoiding ever-present imperial patrols.
No pressure.
Get your free copy of Any Job Will Do by John Wilker here.
Craig Ramsey isn't your average private detective. He's a psychic; a real one. And with a touch of his hand, he can know you, your secrets, and sometimes your thoughts. But he's more than psychic. He's also the adoptive uncle to two children he loves very much. And one of them dies inexplicably in an apparently minor traffic accident, Craig smells a rat. A paranormal kind. Nothing will stop him hunting it down, dead or not. Soon he crosses paths with Detective Sergeant Cogan. She doesn't believe in ghosts but she smells a rat too. Neither does she appreciate so-called psychics cramping her style. Soon the psychic and the sceptic meet and clash when circumstances force them to work together. It becomes a partnership of battling wills and conflicting beliefs Meanwhile, an otherworldly assassin hunts the streets and surrounding motorways for victims. Its soul filled with hatred and rage, it finds and kills them. But what is the common link? Can Craig Ramsey and Brianna Cogan overcome the menace looming over the city, or will they become the next in the growing list of victims?
Snatch a copy of this paranormal action thriller by Chris Johnson here.
How about writing some reviews? Check the titles in this bundle out, pick the ones you like, read them, and leave a review. This promo runs from 25 October to 25 November.
Reviews are independent authors' lifeblood.
The Parallels, Book 1 of the Sehnsuscht Series is available to review here.
Last but not least, enjoy this video of Nemo, the curious turtle.
And if you wish to be added to my ARC team, just fill this form.