Unless there's a last-minute change of plans, this is 2021's last newsletter. It's been a tough year in this neck of the woods, but I also had some good experiences. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it doesn't look like a train.
After a long pause due to health issues and family business, I'm back to writing full time. I spent the last weeks editing the prequel to The Parallels for beta readers. One is actually available at Story Origin for beta reading. If you're interested, here's the link to The Rules of Engagement. Remember that it's not professionally edited yet.
But I won't accept the request unless you show me proof you read The Halden Army. How can you do that? By sending me the link to its review.
As the year comes to a closing, everyone is taking a stock of 2021. Spotify isn't an exception. For those curious to know what I have been listening to a lot this year, this is my 2021 playlist on Spotify.
This isn't the music I listen to while writing, not all of it anyway. I prefer instrumental music when creating, but then it depends on what I'm creating.
I was supposed to add more content, but I'll be honest, I didn't have much time with the holidays storming into my disorganised life in this crazy 2021. But I'll deliver what promised in my last newsletter: the review of the last novel of The Expanse, Leviathan Falls.

Has it ever happened to you to read something fast because you want to know how it ended and then feel like you read too fast and wished you hadn’t finished so soon? Well, this series is like that. I’m addicted to it and am already missing Amos, Miller, Avasarala, and Naomi. In case you’re wondering, no, I’m not missing Holden. I never liked his character, and I must admit I wasn’t surprised about the ending of his story.
Amos instead …
It’s interesting how the authors managed to close the series, and I enjoyed reading this book. I may be reading the spin-offs too. I’m particularly intrigued by the one about Fred Johnson.
But I’m digressing.
The thing is, I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’m being vague on purpose. You’ve gotta read this series if you’re into sci-fi. It's a must.
What remains to be said? I wish you a great season and a booming 2022.
Until next time.