Most of you are about to return from their vacations, and others may be already back. I still didn't get a chance, but here in Italy summer lasts for a long time, and my holiday time is usually September.
Anyhow, vacations or not, I still love reading.

Admittedly, I read a bit less in the last few weeks, mostly because I choose books I didn't enjoy much. That usually slows up my reading schedule. And that's why this time I have nothing to review, because I honestly can't be hassled to write a two star review over a collection of short stories by traditionally and famous published authors. The book is Rogues, edited by G. R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois.
I bought it because of Abercrombie and Gainman, but I was disappointed by the former and I still haven't read the latter's story as I'm writing this. I may not even read it if I decide to just abandon the book—something I detest, but there are too many books out there to read and enjoy.
Ans let's talk about more free books. Here follows a giveaway of free dystopian sci-fi stories, because what's best than a dramatic story with aliens?
This promotion ends August 15th.
Get here a free story by sci-fi author Jay Toney, First Command from the Space Rogue Series
Failure is not acceptable.
Bartholomew Roberts is retiring, leaving his son in command of the Queen Anne’s Revenge. It is his first command, and it may be his last. The Alliance will do everything in their power to ensure that he fails. Failure in the Alliance is not tolerated. If Doc Roberts is lucky, they will hang him. If not, he will be sent to a reeducation center, mind-wiped, and a control collar will be placed around his neck, then he will be paraded in the streets of Avalon’s capital city, as an example of what happens to people who fail in their missions. He can’t afford to fail!
Last but not least, you can download this space adventure by Edita A. Petrick for free. Legends is available here.
The battle for the Rimworlds is just beginning...with one man.
Daniel DeWynter is unlike any of the arrogant, brash DeWynter star-lords carving the galaxy with their glory. Perhaps because sixteen years ago, he witnessed first-hand, treachery and betrayal that saw thousands of innocent lives perish in the explosion of the Lynwarren Trading Station, he tends to look at any situation with humanitarian eyes. He is a soldier, just as his family traditions dictate, but he can also fill the role of a diplomat. As such he has the skill to assess a situation before he walks into it. When his formidable star-warrior mother, Admiral DeWynter, sends him on a mission to the Rimworlds, he’s asked to be neither. What he is asked, makes him uncomfortable—and fills him with a strange sense of foreboding. A frontier world like Synoor sees all kinds of traffic; a confederate spy would hardly stand out. That’s the way Admiral DeWynter reasoned when she sent her only son to Synoor, to evaluate the world’s economic potential—and to spy on Regent Banoran. The moment Daniel DeWynter’s foot touches the dusty landing strip on the edge of the jungle, he feels he’d walked into a trap. Days later, the rumors of invasion take on an ominous cast. As a soldier he could deal with the treacherous regent and his buddies, the pirates of New Hebrides. But he can’t deal with the possibility of losing the one person who is the star of his life—his wife who walks beside him, unaware that they may well be heading for execution.
And for this week it's all, folks.