David, Noëbouk and Alisdair. Three separate lives that are somehow entwined. David is a young Canadian living and working in New York City for a bank. His main goal in life is to get to the top at a young age and be rich.
Noëbouk, an alien at the end of its life, takes a trip on a starship, in the most evocative story of the novel.
Alisdair is a British lawyer discovering the mysteries of the afterlife in what looks like a Heaven to him: a library.
And the library is probably the reason I find Alisdair the most compelling character of the whole novel. Ancient Greece and old philosophers have a huge role in this part of the story, but every timeline is evocative to make me feel as if I were there: in New York City, in London, in Canada, in Greece, in Heaven (the library).
This is not the classic sci-fi book one can expect, except for the part with the alien’s story. To be honest, I can’t label it with a genre, but I don’t like labels and I loved this book.
Leonora Meriel was able to put together a little jewel here.
I strongly recommend it to all those who, like me, enjoy non-conventional stories.